19 July 2010

Some women can tell when they ovulate

Many women can tell when they are ovulating, as they experience a number of symptoms at the time of ovulation.

Ovulation is defined as the time in the menstrual cycle when an egg is released from one of the ovaries, down the fallopian tubes and into the uterus, ready to be fertilised and implanted.

Ovulation happens every month for most women, except during pregnancy and during most of breastfeed (although some women have become pregnant as they continue to ovulate during breastfeeding, it is the exception rather than the norm).

Ovulation is also the time after which PMS symptoms and PMDD symptoms start in a great number of menstruating women.

The main symptoms that women can feel during ovulation are:
  • Higher body temperature - the basal body temperature increases slightly during ovulation and some experts recommend you take your temperature before you get out of bed to determine if you are ovulating
  • Pain - it can be general in the pelvic area, or localised to either one ovary and occur near the pelvic bone
  • Vaginal discharge - the vagina will secrete more and thicker mucous during ovulation
So if you're feeling that twinge of pain in the lower abdomen and have thicker vaginal discharge, you know it's most likely because one of your ovaries is releasing an egg in preparation for pregnancy. If the pain is not consistent with this, get it checked out.

Regarding ovulation, there are kits available which can test you to determine if you are ovulating. These tests are specifically aimed at women who want to know when they are ovulating in order to have sex with their partner and have a higher chance of getting pregnant. This is because the highest chance of pregnant occurs during ovulation.